Monday, February 1, 2016

Baby Sleep Music

Baby sleep music – getting baby to sleep

Music for getting baby to sleep will save you hours of sleepless nights 

Mom's and Grandma's have known that singing will put a baby to sleep since the beginning of time. Baby sleep music and baby sleep songs, lullabies and slow, repetitive music are the best way to help a baby sleep. Having a schedule, putting the baby to sleep at the same hour every night, and adding baby sleep music to the mix makes a perfect combination to help a baby sleep easily. It works – you can check reviews for the baby sleep music and lullaby albums and see all the parents who have written reviews about music being their lifesaver.

There are some things to listen for when you are deciding which of the many baby sleep music albums you want to buy.  In some the musician couldn’t resist putting a more lively song or two, and those won’t be as successful as others.   The music needs to be consistently soft, at a slow beat, and calming.

Of course, there are other things that are important to help a baby sleep – one is being on a schedule and going to bed at the same time each night.  But if you do that and add in playing music, songs, or sounds that are conducive to sleep, you will have a winning combination.

Every parent has their routines and beliefs about how they care for their babies and what they considered acceptable and unacceptable when they put their bundle of joy down for a nap or the night. Some mommies and daddies prefer to have their homes and surroundings silent when they put their little ones down. However, others think having baby sleep music on is beneficial and soothing to their children.

Lullabies have been used to sing babies to sleep for generations and many parents find that playing relaxing music for sleep is one of the few ways to get their babies to sleep at night.

Countless studies have been conducted about music especially in relation to sleep. In babies and small children, music has been used as a therapy for premature babies to help them gain weight.

Playing music for your baby can also help you bond with each other. Classical music is often regarded as the number one option in best sleep music, especially for babies and small children since it is often calming and soothing and without vocalizations that can be distracting and disruptive to sleep patterns.

How Will Music Help Baby Sleep:

Child experts agree that music can help babies and young children sleep. Dr. Trevor Holly Cates of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians says that music can help a child relax and prepare for sleep. Renowned pediatrician Dr. Sears says that music can help children stay asleep longer. Lullabies have helped soothe children back to sleep for centuries.

Children sleep better when they are familiar with the music. Dr. Sears says that sounds of waterfalls, oceans or medleys of lullabies can help remind babies of the sounds children heard while in the womb. Lisa Huisman Koops, an associate professor of music education at Cleveland’s Case Western Reserve University, says that infants recognize music that they heard while in utero. She also says that it is important for children to grow up in a home where the family enjoys music and associates different kinds of music for different aspects of the day, such as lively music during the day and relaxing music during sleep times.

Listening to music can help a child more when it is built into his routine. Maureen Healy, an author and specialist in how to help highly sensitive children, in an article for Psychology Today, says that having a routine helps your child get into a relaxed state of mind. The Mayo Clinic recommends playing the same music when you want your child to sleep. This technique can help train your child to sleep when he hears this music. Add music to other parts of a child's routine, such as reading a book or taking a bath.

Types of Music
Different kinds of music may have different effects on children's sleep patterns. Dr. Sears recommends using white noise, such as a tape recording of a ticking clock, running water, a fan or air conditioner to calm your child during his naps. Pinky McKay, an author and international board certified lactation consultant says that white noise or music that incorporates the rhythm of the maternal heartbeat can have soothing effects on the child. Healy recommends playing calming music, like Tibetan Singing Bowl, which she says have been proven to calm a child's central nervous system.


Music may not help all children sleep. Different children may react differently to music when it is used as part of their nap time routine. Koops warns that music may become a "sleep crutch" for some children and that it may be disruptive when it goes off. Dr. Sears recommends using a continuous-play tape to deal with this problem. breaks down the main reasons that music helps you & your baby be able to sleep:

Helps our body to relax – Along with our mind, our body has to be able to relax in order to get to sleep. This means our heart has to be able to beat at a slow, steady pace so that our muscles and body can relax. Music can help if it is slow and matches the rhthym of a calm heart because it can subconsciously slow our breathing so that we reach a semi-meditative state and our muscles stop being tense and relax.

Calms down an overactive mind – Have you ever noticed how your thoughts seem to become abstract and random just as your drifting off to sleep? This is your mind becoming relaxed. It stops focusing on the here and now, but instead starts to delve into the apparent chaos of the subconscious mind. To help your mind get there, it needs to be able to relax. While using music to assist with meditation is a relatively new approach (meditation is traditionally done in complete silence), adopting the practices used by meditators to relax their mind and body can be an effective way of overcoming insomnia. Soft, relaxing music can enable you to calm the mind and to free it to think more freely and in a less ‘present’ active state.

Blanket out background noise – If you live in a busy street, with noisy flatmates or family members watching the TV until late at night, background noise can be a real problem when you are trying to get to sleep. Music can be helpful in providing a blanket of soft noise to replace the background sounds that might be jarring and keeping you awake at night. Another option is to listen to ‘white noise’ that provides a continuous stream of sound that can mask distracting background noise that’s disturbing you from reaching the land of nod.
To find the best baby sleep music Click Here!

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